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Going Abroad

You can use the International Office of the Student Council as a first point of contact for all questions relating to your semester abroad. Or even if you just want to talk to someone about it and aren’t sure whether you want to do it at all. Get in touch as early as possible at aasdfuasdfsasdflasdfaasdfnasdfdasdf@asdffasdfaasdfcasdfhasdfsasdfcasdfhasdfaasdffasdftasdf.asdfiasdfnasdffasdfoasdfrasdfmasdfaasdftasdfiasdfkasdf.asdfuasdfnasdfiasdf-asdfkasdflasdf.asdfdasdfe.

Internship or Semester Abroad?

You are free to decide what exactly you do abroad. Both study visits and internships entitle you to up to two semesters of leave. These must be applied for individually. (Be careful if the semesters are not congruent with ours, because you cannot take exams in Kaiserslautern during the semester of leave).

Which of the two you choose is of course up to you. A study visit gives you an impression of studying in other countries, an internship gives you an impression of working in other countries. In both cases, you will have the opportunity to get to know the country and its people in very different ways. During a semester abroad you will get to know a large number of international fellow students and during an internship abroad you will have a greater variance in the age of your colleagues and they will also be more local.

When deciding on the duration of your stay, you should bear in mind that you will also need time to settle in. The more different the destination country is compared to Germany, the more time you should allow for this. Three months can be rather short.

I would like to go abroad, but I don’t know where yet.

Which country has fascinated you on vacation, in a film or in stories told by others? Wherever you go, you need to feel comfortable there (climate, food, mentality, …), so start with the countries you like. Also talk to other people who have been abroad about their experiences.

In this case, you can contact the Department of International Affairs (ISGS). On the homepage you can find out which universities in your desired country (or with your desired language) would come into question. The department also has an information page with a collection of residence options and a general information page.

In the case of an internship, it would be a good idea to ask the lecturer of your (planned) specialization which companies he or she could recommend.

AIESEC is also interesting for internships. AIESEC offers a wide range of further education opportunities in Kaiserslautern as well as internships abroad around the world.

You should also think about the following questions:

  • Which languages do I know and at which universities is this used as the language of instruction? (see also the paragraph on language)
  • Which universities/companies are there in my desired country?
  • Can I fulfill the requirements (language skills, etc.) that are demanded?

What funding opportunities are there?

There are a variety of different scholarships. Find out early on about the conditions that the individual funding providers have for you, such as preparatory courses or a minimum amount of work completed abroad, so that you can tackle these in good time.

ERASMUS program

If you want to stay within the EU, a stay at a partner university via the ERASMUS program would be an option. Exchange agreements are concluded between departments. If there is no agreement with your chosen university for computer science, ask if there is one from another department. If they have free capacity, you may be able to use it. You can also contact the respective university directly. In addition, ERASMUS also has a internship support program.

Advantages: In the ERASMUS program, you do not have to pay tuition fees, and it is also less work in terms of organization.

Disadvantages: No free choice between universities (although sometimes a cooperation with the university of your choice can be arranged; if the university of your choice does not yet have a German university in its program, you should definitely ask).

PROMOS Scholarships

For non-ERASMUS universities, the PROMOS scholarship is also an option, but the university of your choice would have to agree to this. In general, Promos is a good option for universities outside Europe.

DAAD Funding Programs

The DAAD offers several scholarships for students who want to study abroad, but also for internships abroad.


Even if you are not currently receiving BAFöG, it may still be worth applying for Auslands-BAFöG, as the calculation is slightly different. As the application for Auslands-BAFöG involves considerably more effort than the “normal” BAFöG, you should check whether there is any chance of receiving funding before submitting your application. Everyone who receives BAFöG in Germany should definitely also receive Auslands-BAFöG.

Who can advise me on a semester abroad?

There are several people who serve as contact persons for stays abroad:

  1. The ISGS
  2. The Erasmus coordinator of the department: Currently also the student advisor Dr. Schürmann. If you have any questions, just write him an e-mail that you would like a consultation for your Erasmus stay, Dr. Schürmann is the No. 1 contact person for questions and problems concerning your studies.
  3. The International Office of the Fachschaft
  4. The department’s international representative, who is responsible for concluding new agreements with other universities, among other things: Derzeit Professor Grimm
  5. In general, you can simply ask a professor if they have any tips, as the professors get to know many different universities during their careers.
  6. AIESEC Kaiserslautern (for internships)
  7. Many professors also have contacts with universities and companies abroad, even if there is no official agreement.

You can also take advantage of local offers, for example the events organized by the ISGS or the IntClub. Not only will you have the chance to get to know people from your destination country, but you will also learn first-hand about general problems that you may encounter as a foreigner in a new country.

Do I need a language course?

Whether you need a language course (usually English) depends on the university and/or the exchange program you choose. Many universities require a minimum grade in the Abitur, a minimum duration of language lessons or a language certificate (e.g. TOEFL or Cambridge Test) - again, often with certain minimum grades.

Regardless of the official requirements, it is certainly worth brushing up on your language skills.

Test: Try to find all the information relevant to your studies in English. It’s no better elsewhere. Also, locals are often much more open-minded when they see that you are getting involved in their culture and making an effort to integrate. In most cases, you will mainly be dealing with other Erasmus students, where a passable level of English will suffice.

The VKB offers inexpensive courses for the most common languages, otherwise it is also worth taking a look at the adult education center. Once you have a basic knowledge of the language, the internet offers numerous opportunities to use the language (YouTube, Facebook, …).

When is the best time to go abroad?

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as the best time.

In the compulsory area, the whole thing is likely to be rather critical, as the lecturers want to build on the basics later (this could also cause problems with recognition). In addition, such a stay requires some preparation time.

It is easier in the compulsory elective area. Supplementary lectures should be reasonably easy to replace, as should the general basics and possibly the minor subject. If you want to include the lectures in your Master’s degree, the specialization is also a good option.

Of course, you can also write your thesis abroad if you can find a professor in Kaiserslautern who will supervise it.

Of course, if you take a semester off, you don’t need to worry about this and can do whatever you feel like doing. However, bear in mind that scholarships (such as ERASMUS) are often linked to measurable performance.

What about the move?

As with the other points, you should start planning early enough.

Probably the easiest way to move is by car. However, if you don’t have one or don’t want to take your own with you, you will have to resort to other options.

Baggage allowance

For short-haul flights (this includes pretty much everything in Europe), luggage is usually limited to 15-20 kg + hand luggage. My tip: put large, light items in your suitcase and small, heavy items in your hand luggage, as this is usually not weighed but only checked for size. It may be worth registering a second piece of baggage or paying a few euros more to get more free baggage allowance with a slightly better airline. For long-haul flights, the limit is usually higher, in the range of 30-50kg. No matter what type of flight it is: Find out beforehand what and how much you are allowed to take with you. (This also applies to dutiable items).

Rail luggage

If you are traveling by train, your baggage allowance is mainly limited by how much you can carry.

Sending luggage

If you already have an address abroad (or your employer or a university institution provides its own address), you can also send a large parcel (e.g. a suitcase) in advance. DHL and Hermes, for example, offer international shipping. This may be cheaper than sending additional pieces of luggage on a flight. If you don’t have an address yet, friends or relatives can of course send your belongings.


At the beginning you can let visitors bring you things, at the end they can take your things back with them. Most people don’t need that much luggage for a few days.

Buy/sell on site

Some things such as furniture, pots etc. are difficult to transport. It is best to buy such things locally and sell or give them away at the end. Shared flats are often already well equipped, so it’s better to look for an apartment first before you buy such things. It’s also better to think about which things you can do without early on, as this will make packing easier in the end.

Finding accommodation

Most universities have halls of residence, sometimes even “catered” (breakfast, dinner, cleaning), or university-owned accommodation. These are usually cheaper than other offers, so it is worth applying. The application deadlines for these are often very long. You should therefore look very early on before you have finally decided on the university. If you cannot/do not want to live in university accommodation, you can also look for accommodation in this way. In the UK, for example, there is the portal Gumtree, where you can find offers and requests on all kinds of topics - including apartments (the whole thing is free, so if you can’t find anything, you can simply place an ad with a little information about yourself). There are probably similar sites in other countries. It’s best to ask your university or your employer for help, they will certainly be able to help you. As in Germany, shared flats are cheaper financially. You also get to know nice people there and can make contacts more easily (this is exactly why halls of residence are worthwhile!). You can also spend a few weeks in a local youth hostel (depending on the location, not necessarily more expensive than your own apartment) and look for a place to stay during this time with the help of locals. They know where you can find good and cheap accommodation or have friends who are looking for new flatmates. Looking for accommodation locally also has the advantage that both you and your flatmates/landlords can get to know each other beforehand.

What else should I bear in mind?

Start planning early enough. You almost always need 1 year’s lead time, as you often have to wait for information and there are application deadlines etc.

Insurance: It is best to clarify several months before the start of your stay abroad whether you are insured abroad. If this is not the case, you should definitely extend your insurance cover, for example by taking out supplementary insurance (it is best to contact your health insurance company; some have cooperation agreements with private providers. This can be cheaper). Also clarify which benefits are included in your insurance. In addition to health insurance, liability and accident insurance should also be clarified.

Check whether one or more holiday semesters are worthwhile. Without a semester abroad, the time abroad counts towards your deadlines. It is not possible to take examinations at TU Kaiserslautern during a semester abroad. Examinations at the host university are of course possible and can then also be taken here.

Find out whether you can transfer the study and examination achievements you have completed abroad (in the case of a study visit) into your studies. The best contacts for this are the chair of the examination board and the lecturer for your specialization (or mentor, in the Master’s degree).

Find out whether you need a visa for the duration of your stay in your chosen country. You should take care of the visa early on! Visa applications also have the unpleasant characteristic of taking longer than you would think. In addition, scholarships are often linked to conditions (e.g. preparatory courses), which you must complete in good time before applying.