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Scholarships and Finances

A scholarship is not just something for “nerds” and people with a lot of commitment, you also have a good chance of receiving a scholarship as a “normal” student with normal grades. An application requires some effort, but is definitely worth it. The worst thing that can happen is a rejection - so it’s better to apply once more than not to try at all from the start!

There are many different scholarships, all with different requirements and benefits. Finding the right scholarship is usually difficult, but luckily there are very good contact points for those interested.

  • On the university’s website you can find an overview of all the university’s scholarships, where you can find everything from beginners’ scholarships to German scholarships and doctoral scholarships.
  • On Stipendium Plus there is a good overview of all the major foundations with their respective requirement profiles and services.
  • Mystipendium.de is probably the largest and most comprehensive scholarship “search engine”. After entering a few personal details, the perfect scholarships are found for you.
  • schnellkreditcheck.de/stipendium-ratgeber is a comprehensive guide on the subject of scholarships/study financing. Information on the various options for student financing, scholarships and loans is collected here to provide a guide.