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Exam Rental

Old exams and memory protocols are ideal for preparing for exams. They are available digitally in the online system KAI (KlausurAusleihe Informatik). The system can only be accessed from the university’s IP address range (or from home via VPN). Some documents are marked as “Only on paper”. You cannot view these from your own device. To access them, you have to come to our office (48-464).

The Fachschaft does not have opening hours, but there should always be someone there between 10:00 and 16:00 and not during canteen hours. You can then connect to one of the terminals at kaidruck.cs.uni-kl.de and log in with your SCI account. All documents can be viewed there and printed using the SCI printers (depending on your quota, of course).

Where do these documents come from?

In the case of exams, it often happens that the assistants who have led the exercises bring us too many copied copies or upload them to the KAI themselves. Unfortunately, this is not so easy with oral exams (or precisely counted exams). It’s important that you make a memory record of the exam so that your fellow students know what to expect in the future. Even if your exam was almost exactly the same as in a transcript, it can be useful to create and upload another one, e.g. if there is very little documentation on the module being examined.

For written exams, it is worth opening an Etherpad and collecting the tasks together in it. Attention: When the protocol is ready, someone should also upload it!

E-mail: kasdfaasdfiasdf@asdffasdfaasdfcasdfhasdfsasdfcasdfhasdfaasdffasdftasdf.asdfiasdfnasdffasdfoasdfrasdfmasdfaasdftasdfiasdfkasdf.asdfuasdfnasdfiasdf-asdfkasdflasdf.asdfdasdfe
Responsible Persons: Sophia Porcher and Josua Scherer