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Geschrieben am 9. April 2015 von Markus Fögen

All old exams finally online!

Starting now you no longer need to come to the Fachschaft for old exams – you can find them (nearly) all online! Within the universities network or via VPN you can find all our exams and protocols at Just a few of them are marked as “Nur auf Papier” – for this exams you still need to come to the Fachschaft. You will find a terminal there to print the exams with your SCI account in the SCI.

As always you may find further information here.

Geschrieben am 30. March 2015 von Markus Fögen

The Eventteam presents: Powerpoint Karaoke

As you all know, there are some lectures that are held by only reading the slides. You learn nothing more and you have the feeling that the lecturer doesn’t even know more than what is written on the slides?
And you think you could do it even better?
Here is your chance.

You will get a random Powerpoint presentation about a topic you actually don’t know anything about. You have five minutes to prepare and than it’s your turn! Try to present the slides as good, funny and experienced as possible. Try to get into some sort of roleplay and convince the audience that you are the expert!
Date: 25.02.1015
Time: 19 Uhr
Location: 48-462 (Seminarraum)
Please RSVP here:

Geschrieben am 23. February 2015 von Schmitt in der Kategorie Events


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You voted…

…or at least 6.9% of you did it. On February the 3rd and the 4th you had the opportunity to vote for your student FBR- and Senat-representatives and the Studierendenparlament (StuPa).

As FRB-represenatives you voted for Sarah Dossinger, Markus Fögen, Jonas Merkel and Maximilian Philipps, as backup representatives you voted for Patrick Hansert, Bo Heck, Johannes Sereika and Marvin Petersen (in this order).

Your new Senat-representatives are Arno Hornberg, Klemens Schmitt, Florian Schwahn and Mara Trotzki.

And last but not least you can check out the (preliminary) election resulty for the StuPa on their website.

Geschrieben am 11. February 2015 von Markus Fögen

Lecture survey in full swing

The lectures are coming to an end soon. If you are a nice guy, you can give your lecturer and the computer science department feedback to the computer science lectures you attended during this winter term. The webpage provides this opportunity anonymously and encryptedly until 2015-02-22. You will find your login token in your e-mailbox with the suffix.

At the end of the term (ca. mid march), you will automatically take part at a lottery with this token. If you see in your mails that you have won the 200€-coupon for a tablet-PC, get your ass to K-town, take this coupon and love it.

In this term, you can give feedback to your degree course and studies, too – there is an extra questionnaire for this issue.

Geschrieben am 5. February 2015 von Sören


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Geschrieben am 20. December 2014 von Petersen in der Kategorie Events

Student plenum and christmas party

Next Wednesday the 10th of December the students plenum is going to take place in 48-462 at 15:30. Every computer science student is sincere invited!

Right after the plenum this year’s Christmas party will begin! There will be free mulled whine, coffee, tea and self-made cookies. Dinner will be served at 18 o’clock. If you want to you may bring a salad, just enlist yourself in the salad-list. Additionally you may be a secret Santa: Just bring a little present (0 to 5€) and enlist yourself. Everyone who brings a present gets a present right after dinner!

Geschrieben am 8. December 2014 von Markus Fögen

The Lecture Survey has started

As you might have already noticed, the lecture  survey has started. If you have an SCI-Account you should have received your participation token via mail by now, otherwise you can log in here using any university mail address and receive a token automatically. Getting one manually in the SCI as in the previous Semesters is not necessary anymore.

The lecture survey enables you to give anonymous Feedback to your lectures. It would be great if you participated yourself and motivated other students to do so too. As every Semester, you can win prizes by participating as an extra motivation, like for example a Tablet-PC sponsored by the FIT. You can participate via the following link:

You like the work the Fachschaft does concerning the lecture survey and want to support us? Or you want to improve something? Our team is looking for new members! If you are interested contact us via pr@fachschaft.cs.

Geschrieben am 4. December 2014 von Patrick Hansert in der Kategorie Service

(German) Hitchhikerarbeitstreffen am Samstag

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Geschrieben am 17. November 2014 von Manuel Dossinger